THE movie Unplanned about the experience and change of heart of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, is confronting viewing.
Abby experienced two abortions herself – one surgical and one chemical – and facilitated thousands of others before assisting in a surgical abortion where she watched on the ultrasound as the baby fought for its life.
That was the point where Abby realised they weren’t ‘eliminating tissue’ but killing children. She left the industry the next week.
Throughout her volunteering and employment at Planned Parenthood, Abby had been aware of the group 40 Days for Life, who would silently picket outside the clinic, until she chased them away by turning the sprinklers on. They would also try to engage clients in conversation and convince them to rethink their decision, before the clinic staff could usher the women inside.
There were these few, often young, people holding signs and praying, standing against this massive organisation that had money, lawyers, political clout and popularity on their side.
But those prayers were even more powerful than the protestors knew. By the end of the true story – spoiler alert! – not only has the director of that centre (Abby) joined their ranks, but the whole clinic has closed down and the building is now the headquarters of 40 Days for Life!
The Bible says God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, and Abby’s story is proof positive of that.
Outside another Planned Parenthood clinic recently, this one in West Chester, Pennsylvania, a lone father of four had also signed up to support 40 Days for Life and stood praying, holding a sign for a pro-life women’s centre that offers free counselling and ultrasounds.
“I know the whole cultural wrestling match going on — that it’s a woman’s decision, and I’m a guy, so what gives me the right?” the man, Adam, said. “But at the same time, I’m one of 10 kids, and I have six sisters, four of whom are nurses.
“My big prayer while I’ve been here, just kind of walking up and down, is that anyone coming in or going out would sense the love of Jesus,” he said.
“I know that [abortion] is not an easy decision,” Adam admits. “Kids are expensive. And my prayer is that people in the church, or friends, or family of the women, would rise up and just say, ‘Do you need a thousand bucks?’ or ‘Do you need a hundred bucks?’ Whatever it is.”
He also prayed for the doctors and the security guard as they left the clinic for the day.
“I want to make sure they know that they are human beings, and I am no more worthy of God’s love than they are,” he explained. “And God wants them to know Him and to be blessed by Him.”
Just one guy – what can he achieve? The Bible writer James would counter: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” (James 5:17-18)
As the saying goes: one person and God is a majority. What ‘impossible’ thing is God wanting to achieve through your prayers?